Here is a social life-hack to blast off on friendly terms, when trying to socialize with other men for the first time. It’s like a Pick-Up trick, except this isn’t for getting girls; this one is (for lack of better words) “picking up” men. You could call it,

How to become instant buddies with any guy.


Now I know there are many other ways to make a new buddy such as buying a random guy a beer, or giving away free tickets to a big game. But what you’re about to learn would cost no money, plus you do not even have to be at a bar or any special event; the hell, you could even do this at a job interview. I do this almost every time I have to work with a new supervisor or other colleague for the first time. So here goes:


Let’s say you’re at work in the coffee break room, or in a classroom, or waiting for your flight at an airport lounge; or just about anywhere you are relaxed, probably sitting down, AND there is a trash basket somewhere in the corner. Cool!

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In this moment whether you acknowledge it or not, there is an elephant in the room and it could be of three colors. It’s either,

  1. Both you and the other guy (or guys) are all new here (for example at a dentist’s waiting room, or in school and starting a new course together),
  2. You are already known around here (for example at your job or your school, but the other guy is the new guy), or
  3. Everyone here knows each other, but it’s you who is the new guy.

Alright now if you were female, we all know how this would workout; all you’d need is some neoteny that is, act all cutesie and pretend to be an innocent little girl. But because you’re male, (unless you’re applying for the position of group cuck) you can’t be doing that. Instead,

You’ll always have to deal with the natural instinct of males to first establish who is more alpha here,

and that is where many guys get off on the wrong foot from the beginning.

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It’s even worse if, upon first appearance you immediately come off as more alpha than the other guy or guys whom you are meeting for the first time. For example, if  you’re very good looking, very intelligent, or extremely fit. Well, if you are one of those guys then I’m sorry to say this, but you guys are always fucked from the beginning trying to be buddy-buddy with any males who have strong tendencies to envy. Cos in case you’ve never noticed, from the get-go many guys will feel threatened by your presence alone,

Especially if the differences between you and the other guy in height, looks, speech and intelligence is very obvious,

you’ll have a hard time socializing with them. Almost every second spent around envious males with very low self-esteem is going to be full of them testing and assessing you, being passive-aggressive, looking for ways in which they are better than you.

The exceptional cases where you could at the same time be very good-looking, yet quickly ‘forgiven’ by other guys for having too many unfair genetic advantages over them, is if you have lower social status than they are, or they earn much more than you, or you are not yet financially successful. . . . However, here’s some precious advice: When later you start becoming financially buoyant, you’ll either have to learn to live without friends who know how much money you’re making, or you could remain friends with those same guys but you’ll have to keep pretending you are just as broke as they are, or have more debts than them. PS: This is why a MGTOW isn’t always liked by his married friends, cos those men usually have more bills to settle, a nagging wife, and children to deal with every day!


But I digressed. So how do you make an instant buddy out of another guy whom you’re just meeting for the first time?

Tap into the primal male instinct which creates bonds of trust and loyalty.

(the same bonds males used thousands of years ago when going out together to hunt)

Here’s what you do:

Crumple up a piece of paper that you’re going to throw into that waste basket in the corner, then attempt to make a free throw from where you’re sitting or standing.

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Then hesitate! . . . Attempt again. . . . Hold it! 

This always gets the other dude’s attention cos naturally, guys want to see if you can make it, if you can land the crumpled paper right in the basket.

Now that you’ve got the other guy’s interest in your ability to be a male who likes taking risks and winning, call off the shot!

Act like you have less faith in your abilities to land the basket, then gesture to him if he would like to throw instead.

I don’t care how stuck up a guy is, every guy I’ve tried this with is always up for the challenge. Cos results would either be:


  • he misses the shot and maybe goes to pick it up
  • to try again, OR
  • best case scenario, he tosses it right into the waste basket,

and you guys high-five or get a laugh out of it.

Either way, the tension of an impromptu challenge, which a man has to go through to focus and get it right, activates neural chemicals in the male brain that are related both to boosting his ego and forging new friendships, a feeling of camaraderie that

Causes him to instantly see you as an all-round easy guy to get along with,

and someone with whom he can afford to win or fail together.

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You know how they say men who’ve fought side-by-side and had each other’s back in combat become inseparable comrades? Like, how WWII veterans, fellow operators in a team of Special Forces, or military recruits who overcome the same obstacles together, even sport teammates who play a grueling final game together, often end up being buddies for life? ….. Well when you boil it down to the lowest case scenario, it’s those same principles you’d be applying here.

No matter how awkward you are at making new buddies, you sir, can start off on the right foot,

by simply using the “paper basket challenge.” 

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And that gentlemen, is how in a few minutes, two strangers can instantly go from, “I don’t know this guy,”

. . . to, “Man, this guy’s cool. I like him!”

You’re welcome.


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