
Original response to: Teenage Girl Needs My Help

So this 14-year old girl needed some advice about how she could possibly not grow up to become like the females she sees around her, and particular reference was made to her own mom and how she is already cognizant of her manipulative nature.

Well, I was going to commend her for being self-conscious this early in life about general female nature, not wanting to misuse her vagina privileges, and for humbly seeking advice from red-pilled men who aren’t shy of telling women what men really think about them and their antics. But then I became skeptical; this could be another adult feminist/anti-feminist infiltrator, or some college chick who’s truly asking for advice but under the disguise of neoteny, so Sandman does not serve her dish with some extra roasting.

Either way,

she was mature enough to prefer advice from grown men,

she was respectful, and since she’s been listening to various red pill content, I suppose she can handle the adult language too. So on the spot, a few tips off the top of my head:

Honey, take Sandman’s advice seriously, this is one of his most well put-together videos.

Especially what he said about asking older women to tell you what their regrets are. Being a fellow female, old hags will tell you, cos worn out vaginas are always eager to school fresh vagina about the secrets of the trade. However the difference should be that you assimilate their “advice about boys and relationships” through red-pill ears. Be careful though, this knowledge could also make you one of the most manipulative, scheming females a guy ever met, and this could destroy your own happiness in the long run.

Always beware of the type of females you hang out with, especially the ones who are eager for adventure with boys. Others to watch out for, are the jealous, passive aggressive ones, who are always talking about other girls whom they do not like. Like Sandman said, female behaviors will rub off on you. While growing up myself, I limited my association with boisterous and impulsive teenagers, so I had enough time to develop my decision-making senses against peer pressure before I started tasting new grounds like alcohol, the nightlife, or wasting my time chasing girls. In the end, I grew up with fewer regrets than many other boys, because my big head had enough practice to mature and be in control of most of my decisions.

Hang out with strong males. Abusive men and bullies are not strong males. Strong males are those who have principles, ambitions and lay down the rules without being hypocritical themselves. The money may not be obvious if he’s still young, but observe the drive he has inside him to succeed, cos that’s what female shit-testing is usually about. If a guy already has A LOT of drive, and you as a woman accept your place beside him, you wouldn’t have to be pestering him every time to step up his game.

At some point, you would have to introduce the boy you love to red-pill content, so he does not go The Way of the Beta Mangina. Of course this would cause him to wake up and focus more on his goals, and compared to a blue pill boyfriend, pay less than the regular Cinderella attention to you. But each time he accomplishes a goal and wants to pop open a bottle of champagne, you’ll be the first lady in a dress he’ll want to share the moments with. That’s how you always remain with the winner, and not become the gold-digging whore.

Lest I forget, fuck “fat acceptance.” Stay in shape girl, DON’T GET FAT! You don’t have to develop an obsession about it, just learn to LIKE the right thing with food and get the best with regular exercise. Understand your body’s fat storage mechanism and plan accordingly. …. Personally for example, every two months I take a break off all kinds of meat and heavy carbs and use only fish and mixed veggies in my meals for 2 weeks so my body detoxifies while burning up fat.

One more thing, DO NOT send nude or revealing photos of yourself to anyone! Seek counseling about the molestation you have suffered in the past. If you weren’t still a 14-year-old kid, I would have laid out reasons why morning sex saves a relationship/ marriage much better than nighttime sex, but these should do for now.

…… Here’s the deal kiddo, come back at least once a year for more advice, and depending on what birthday it is, we’ll keep straightening out the issues for you accordingly.

(Crossing my legs and fingers) Let’s see if Men Going Their Own Way can finally create the first “test-tube” NAWALT girl.

One thought on “Shh! We’re trying to make a test-tube NAWALT baby here.

  1. Som om fjortissa ikke har sex liksom, tror mange undervurderer dem litt, det er iallefall det min erfaring fortell meg, men nå bor jo jeg i en plass hvor merkelig nok fjortissa er mer moden enn lenger sør, kanskje de er mer fri til å være seg selv, å ikke er under ett så sterk regime, hvor de blir fortalt hvor skjøre å patetiske de er.
    Men som du selv sier så er det sikkert en feminist gammel kvinne som står bak det, er jo alltid en vinner å felle andre på denne måten, for gud forby hvis du sier noe dem tror en fjortiss ikke takler å høre.

    Litt oftema nå, men likevel viktig.
    Hvorfor ikke være sterk å rettferdig i matveien din å, jeg mener, hvorfor ikke kutte ut kjøtt ikke bare i ett par uker, men for alltid? gir det ikke mening at kjøtt er meget skadelig for deg når du selv her sier at det er detoxende å kutte ut kjøtt, burde være ganske klart at kjøtt er meget giftig for kroppen din, å aller best hadde vært å være i detox perioden permanent for aller best helse.

    Ikke minst så er dyr uskyldige skapninger som ikke har stemme å si ifra at dem ikke vil bli ett simpelt måltid bare for din skyld, tror du dyran ikke har vilje til å leve å unngå smerte, tror du de går rundt å gleder seg til dagen når de skal slaktes bare fordi du syns smaken er god, å ellers ikke har noen annen grunn til å spise det dyret? hadde du spist din hund eller katt, nei tror ikke det, for hvem er vel så merkelig at dem spis kjæledyran sine, griser er dessuten smartere enn hunder, men få klarer å se smerten å torturen grisen daglig må oppleve.

    Kognitiv dissonans bryr seg ikke om hvor smart en person er, den angrip til og med de smarteste blandt oss.

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