Previously posted under: Struggle Snuggle Divorce

When I was younger, the term “Safe Sex” simply meant “Gaddammit! Put a fucking condom on!” or stay with a tested partner.

Now that definition has remained the same for females, but with the laws increasingly being against males,

Safe Sex FOR MEN now means:

“Dude, you shouldn’t even have suggested sex to her in the first place!”

And the only reason you aren’t facing a feminist judge right now, is because your One-night stand doesn’t yet know some newly revised Law on Sexual Assault, which feminists and white-knighting legislators have again recently passed into effect. Another new law which, if she wanted to, could change your life forever! …. But oh don’t worry, she’ll soon find out.

… She’ll read about it in some Dear Abby column, or in some feminist blog, a Gender Studies editorial, or from some landwhale who’ll randomly mention it in an online Save The Whales environmental forum just to get more attention.

… The girl you just slept with last night, will soon learn about the punishments she could pursue if she regrets a guy who was either “too rough” with her, or EVEN “TOO WEAK!” in bed.

… She’ll learn about it from those her chatty friends with whom she always has summer afternoon margaritas at outdoor cafes, nightly shots at the bars, and sampling strange dicks from the clubs.

… She’ll confide in that her friend who just returned from Bali, Indonesia and is still high off of climbing to the top of Mt. Coconut Cock, and that friend will let her know, even if this happened 15 years ago, it’s never too late to fuck up your dreams!

And that’s when the police and the Press come pounding on your door for questioning!

Or worse yet, your name and face is already spread all over the internet, on Facebook and in Google Search results, so your current or potential employer can form their sweetest opinion of you!

OR to be fair, to be really fair to her, …..

MAYBE SHE ALREADY KNOWS what to say IF she wanted to fuck up your life, but because she’s still pondering if it’s the right time to show you how much power she really has over your future, she says nothing yet.

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So you foolishly keep thinking “She’s a great girl, she’d never do that to me.” Thus you continue under the label of “Hey guys, we’re dating/ we’re in a relationship.” But what you don’t know is that ironically, every time you’re having “illegal sex” with her (as defined by each new sexual assualt law passed), you’re simply making yourself into a repeat sex offender, one who would later be accused of having been “extremely abusive throughout the time we were together.” …. But like I said before, she either doesn’t know yet what powers a female has in a police report, OR she’s simply bidding her time.

Until one day you decide to do what the movies & romance novels tell you to do:  Bend a knee, and present your lord empress with a shiny rock, and BEG HER TO ACCEPT your foolish decision. Then just like they say, you (the gentleman or groom) “TAKE HER TO THE ALTAR,” not knowing that in reality it is you (the ignorant, horny goat) who is being led TO THE ALTAR TO SACRIFICE YOUR FREEDOM and forever become owned by the State through a female living under your roof, thus making your escape even worse now.

Next thing you know, within the first four years her Daddy Government passes another 6 newer, harsher anti-husband laws. But by this time you can no longer back out of the contract AND SHE KNOWS IT. So she stays to get as much as she can out of her advantageous parasitic position. And who knows how long she’ll bid her time? Maybe one more year or for as long as 15 years of marriage, all the while she is emasculating you, and making both of you utterly miserable!

Finally, someday she’ll stretch out her hand under your ass, and realize you’re no longer shitting out gold coins, and that’s when she’ll become extremely displeased with your failure to entertain and YOUR STUPIDITY IN MARRYING HER. Then

She’ll hand you over to family court to reconfigure you,

and now the fun begins.

Ask all the men who’ve been through that torture dungeon of gynocentrism. The system will NOT hesitate to run a textbook screw driver through you and loosen out all your nut sacs. Then with a hatchet and a motor saw, hack open your mental balance to squeeze out every tube of emotions from inside you. Then they’ll crack the codes to your earning-potentials’ safe, and turn it upside down, until your rusty hole clanks out the last coin. Then they’ll hang your dreams out to dry!


And you know why all of this is happening to you? …. It’s

All because you failed to figure out from the very beginning what exactly the term “Safe Sex” meant for someone who has a penis!

You’ve probably heard of this shit happening to superstar athletes before, the likes of Mike Tyson, Kobe Bryant, and Tiger Woods. But you never took it serious did you? Because you weren’t a star athlete or a celebrity.

…. But nah man, you were always a star, a golden ticket to save the State from spending money on sustaining yet another female. All they had to do was wait for you to be alone with the right groupie.

…. So Stay “SAFE” boys, Stay MGTOW.


Related article: New Marriage Laws can instantly send You to Prison.

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