Originally posted under: Shit Tests? Who Cares?

Talk about being honest with women, yesterday I was at the library when it suddenly dawned on me; almost every book I pick up, has the male author dedicating it “To my wife, Nag-Nag-Nag, for her support.”


But I started thinking, I’m not sure all these men really meant, “To my wife, because she made outstanding contributions to this work,” because otherwise the wife should also have written her own books by now!

I believe deep down what most of these male authors really mean to say is, “Guys, guys, you have to meet my wife and say “Hello” too. Please, for the sake of peace in my house for the rest of my life,

Acknowledge this woman and give her instead of me the attention,

since she let me accomplish this without getting in the way or demanding too much from me during the project.”



Having said that, there are some exceptions. For example, if the author’s wife was the major source of inspiration for the contents of the book. Or, if the dedication was related to grief over losing his wife or some other dear one, thus he was dedicating his finished work to her memory. Now that would be totally understood.

However, the books I was looking through yesterday had nothing to do with any of those exceptional reasons. Instead, the men were mostly citing their wives’ emotional support, as the reason for dedicating that whole work to her!

Not one author dedicated his work to the wife by saying, She made a huge intellectual contribution to this written work.”

Just “being there for emotional support” is the same claim women make, when they just lay there during sex, and thus assume they played a big part in making it happen. No ladies, your presence could have been done without! Matter of fact, your absence around us all the time led to the discovery of many things we use today, from gravity to electricity, to computer programming.


So yeah I’m going to say this:  Unless the author’s wife had passed away and so he was in grief about losing her, most of the time the words,

“Dedicated to my wife,” is just a grown man apologetically thanking his wife,

“For granting me permission and letting me be, so I could finish this and make a contribution to Civilization!”

… Cos deep down, he knows women USUALLY stand in the way of anything that results in man’s advancement.




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